
Flea control in the home and for your animals
Use Diatomaceous Earth to get rid of Aphids on roses
Aphids are relentless, shaped like pears, and are the number one enemy of roses. These irritating little pests are often called plant lice; white flies; blackflies; or greenflies. Generally infestations are minor and damage from them is minimal. In these cases, ridding rose bushes of the parasite is relatively simple. Left uncontrolled aphids can colonize on the bushes starting in the spring and by autumn will have ventured to all of the rose bushes. Certain species have the ability to overwinter on roses.
Inspection Protection
It is important to inspect rose bushes on a regular basis. Experts vary on how often this should be ranging from weekly to daily. It is the first line of defense against and the first step to controlling aphid infestations. They usually hang out in groups; however, it is not unusual to see them individually.
Aphids vary in color black, green, or white to pink, pale green, or yellow. A favored hang out among all species is the underside of the leaves. Aphids can spread disease to rose bushes and attract other types of pests as well. Some signs and symptoms of an aphid infestation are:
Curling, and/or stunted leaves may be found.
While feeding, aphids may cause misshapen fruit and blooms to form.
Bacteria tumors or galls may develop on leaves and roots.
Honeydew which is waste remains may be found on stems and leaves. This resembles a sugary type liquid.
Black leaves and branches may appear which is mold and develops from the honeydew.
Roses may present infestations of other insects which are attracted to the honeydew.
Dusting Protection
Diatomaceous earth is often used as an effective insecticide for many species of pests and parasites including aphids. DE resembles a fine talc powder; however, looking through a microscope reveals tiny particles with razor sharp edges. Aphids are anatomically soft bodied and extremely vulnerable to the dustings of these minute diatoms. The pointed portions of the particles puncture the parasite’s body and wicks the moisture from it. This cause severe dehydration and ultimately death.
There are many insecticides available on the market to battle hostile aphid takeovers. Most of these are extremely toxic and can present dangers to humans and animals, especially aquatic species such as fish and frogs. Releasing Ladybugs into the environment is another excellent solution and it is natural. This method while environmentally pleasant is not wallet friendly. Diatomaceous earth can effectively rescue rose bushes from aphid infestations and is an extremely economical method. Diatoms are the remains left by aquatic plant life millions of years ago.
Diatomaceous Earth Online offers only food grade DE which has been desiccated in the sun. Our Diatomaceous Earth is never artificially dried and we do not add any additional chemicals. We provide a number of different milled sizes each of which is respective of its purpose. Our Superfine & Microfine are the most suitable products we can offer that may be used for dusting roses to effectively eliminate a pesky aphid infestation, apply by hand or by our dusting applicator. The International CODEX standard states that Diatomaceous Earth must contain no more than 0.1% silica in order to be considered food grade. Our DE contains no traceable amount of silica.
Bed Bugs- A Worldwide Problem
There has been a global infestation of bed bugs and it caught most people by surprise. The truth of the matter is the most everyone thought this was a cute myth and something parents told their children. Most everyone has heard the line, “Good night, seep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Bed bugs are actually a very real nightmare. Those who have slept in an infested bed are well aware that there is no humor in this serious situation.
These wily insects feast on the blood of sleeping humans. They can actually hibernate for a few months without starving to death and they do not hide only in mattresses, but will hide most anywhere including baseboards, wooden shelving, and carpeting. Bed bugs are one of the most resilient insects on the planet and one of the most difficult to exterminate. Diatomaceous Earth is an effective, yet natural method to rid households of this horrible infestation.
One reason that these pests have spread so quickly is because they frequently become hitchhikers. Bed bugs have been found in elite hotels as well as in new furniture. These insects look for dark cozy places to hide. Individuals on vacation or business trips carry them to hotel rooms where they find new residence. While other travelers are resting in their temporary beds these little blood sucking creatures hide in luggage waiting to be taken to the travelers’ homes.

Diatomaceous Earth consists of natural amorphous silica. It contains 2%, or less, crystalline silica in its food grade form. The element that makes it deadly for bed bugs is its shape. Each tiny grain is a fossilized fresh water creature made of dry silica which absorbs the moisture in their bodies effectively killing them. All insects become resistant to traditional insecticides which leaves consumers searching for a better method. Due to the nature of how Diatomaceous Earth works bed bugs cannot build an immunity to it.
Sleep Tight - don't let the bed bugs bite!
Diatomaceous Earth continues to work against bed bugs active as a type of barrier that they will avoid to prevent injury. Those insects that choose to crawl through the powder are ultimately destroyed. The best part of all is that DE does not contain harsh toxic chemicals, although some precautions should be taken such as wearing a mask while dusting the area to avoid inhalation.
We suggest to use the DE Microfine Powder and one of our puffers.
The DE should be applied to materesses, carpets and anywhere that the Bed Bugs can hide, they will lay dormant until a host appears so unfortunately it is necessary to be in the room to make them move about and come in contact with the DE. It can take up to 4 weeks to eradicate them, vacuuming and re-applying DE at least once a week or as needed.
Diatomaceous Earth and Carpet Beetles
Since the 1960s, companies have been producing pest control products from silica in the form crystalline silicon dioxide to kill insects such as carpet beetles. Silica is a very common deposit that is mined from rivers and other bodies of water, and, when looking at the Earth, Silica makes up over 25% of the planet’s weight, and can be found in various forms, such as clay, glass, sand, emerald, and more. Natural silica reacts with other elements to form silicon dioxide. Silicon dioxide is also known more commonly as diatomaceous earth, a very effective natural pest control substance.
As a pest control product, diatomaceous earth works by drying out pests such as carpet beetles and other insects, and kill them by causing them to lose the oils and fats from their exoskeletons. The insects effectively die from dehydration. The abrasive nature of the small, dust-like particles that make up diatomaceous earth helps to speed up the process of pest elimination by wearing down the insect’s protective exoskeleton. What it doesn’t do is poison the insects or carpet beetles. This makes it a perfect option for those who don’t want to hurt people, pets or other animals in the environment. In fact, diatomaceous earth could have other benefits than pest control, in that it has been found that silicon dioxide may be required for proper bone health in some animals.
The carpet beetle is one of the most overlooked of common household pests, despite the fact that it creates problems for countless homeowners. It is a small creature that can have several different colour schemes and can cause havoc in your home if allowed to roam free. The carpet beetle feeds on dead skin and non-living plant and animal matter. The beetle received its name from its historic notoriety for eating wool carpets. Today, most carpets are synthetic so carpet beetles are no longer a threat to most floor coverings. A major pest control issue for many people, however, is the allergic reaction that can be caused by carpet beetles. Being bitten is one of the most common causes of a reaction but the hairs of the larvae when caught in human skin can also cause a reaction. Those with prolonged exposure to carpet beetles will experience the most issues in regards to allergic reactions.
The best, all-natural way to get rid of carpet beetles is diatomaceous earth. Just like with other similar insects, diatomaceous earth works on the carpet beetle by wearing down the shell of the beetle and by causing the oil and fat to be sucked away from the body, leaving it dried out and defenceless.
A key point with diatomaceous earth is that it must be placed where it will come into direct contact with the carpet beetles and/or their larvae. Wherever the pest problem is located, you will need to cover the area, and any routes that could be used as access points to the area, with the fine white powder.
It is important to note that using diatomaceous earth for carpet beetle pest control isn’t an instantaneous process. It can take several weeks to kill off all of the insects. It takes time for the shells to be worn down and for the oils to be soaked up. In combination with the diatomaceous earth, you should increase the cleaning regime in your house. Keeping fabrics washed will help, but the most effective cleaning you can do is vacuuming. Vacuum your whole house regularly not just infected areas. A carpet beetle infestation can move or spread, so being ahead of their migration with a vacuum can be helpful.
If you find yourself with a carpet beetle problem then you need to get diatomaceous earth.
Eliminate Annoying Ants with Diatomaceous Earth
One of the most annoying and insidious creatures to plague homes is the ant. These creatures are industrious and determined workers. It is nearly impossible to drive them out of your home or destroy a colony once the queen has been chosen. One of the only ways to find peace is to dethrone her. The market offers a variety of chemical answers such as poisonous ant bait, toxic spray, and hazardous gels. Diatomaceous Earth is another solution; however, this one does not require filling the home and loved ones lives with poisonous chemicals.
Diatomaceous Earth is fossilized phytoplankton which may also be referred to as diatoms. The DE is milled to a number of sizes, each being geared toward its intended purpose. There are generally two standard types of DE found on the market. One is often referred to as pool or industrial filtration grade and the other natural amorphous food grade DE . The food grade label indicates that it has not been treated with any chemicals or heat, is not contaminated with heavy metals and contains less than 1% crystalline silica.
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth may be spread via a spray or sprinkled throughout the area of the infestation with a dusting applicator. As a side note, DE also eliminates a large selection of unwanted, pesky insects from your home. Though tiny these little diatoms are non-toxic they are deadly to insects. As the ants make their way to and from your kitchen, or any other room, they crawl through the DE dust.
Each little particle has numerous minuscule, but razor sharp edges. These puncture the waxy exoskeleton which dehydrates the ant.
It is safe to sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth throughout the home to reduce the ant population. Carpets, baseboards, counter tops, and cabinets may all be confidently dusted as well as any other area that ants find their way into the home. If the location of the colony is known, it is possible to eliminate the colony. Every ant in the colony does not have to be eradicated. Eliminating any colonies only requires the death of the queen. Generally, the rest of the ants will leave in search of a new queen and colony location.
Generally outside on would use the Regular grade by inside the house it is better to use the finer powder such as our Superfine version which can be used in a our duster.
The entire colony and its nest can be destroyed with Diatomaceous Earth and a little determination. Locate the colony as well as all of its branched outlets. Generously sprinkle these with DE and note any ant trails leading away from the nest, especially those that lead back to the house.
Be sure to also spread Diatomaceous Earth along the trails. It may take a few days to two weeks; however, DE will
kill the entire colony. Keep an eye on the nest and its outlets for signs of life. At the first sign that the ants are attempting to recolonize, thoroughly dust the areas again.
At Diatomaceous Earth Online we have DE FineGrit That is most suitable to treat outdoor ants. As it is granular and heavy, it stays on the ground for much longer and light wind will not blow it away. DE, as previously mentioned, also works well to eliminate other insect pests such as bed bugs, cockroaches, and spiders just to name a few. Visit the website and take a look at all of the products that Diatomaceous Earth offers. Milled sizes range from microfine and superfine to regular grit. All of the DE products available on the website are safe, non-toxic, and food grade. They may be used safely in homes, on farms, and at work. We also have DE SuperGrit for internal or pantry ants.
This is a comprehensive method which works well for all species of ants which includes:
Argentine Ants; Black House Ants; Bulldog Ants; Coastal Brown Ants; Fire Ants;
Garden Ants; Ghost Ants; Green Head Ants; Odorous House Ants; Pavement Ants; Pharaoh’s Ants; Singapore Ants; Sugar Ants; and Whitefooted House Ants